An orthographic drawing is a three dimensional drawing created with several 2D shapes.
3D modelling is the process of developing a mathematical representation of any surface of an object in three dimensions via specialised software, such as blender.
- Mallet
- Candy apples - like a hammer
- Whip
- Juggling balls
- Water pistol
- Betsy
- Caravans/Trailers
- Security vehicles
- Other people cars
- Giggles
- Zombie like people
- animals, such as elephants/lion
- ringmaster
- other clowns - zombie clowns
- people who survived this meteor
- Roller coaster - destroyed/intact
- Central Tent - destroyed/intact
- Meteor
- entrance way into Fair - destroyed/intact
L.O: To be able to understand what Polygons are used for 3D modelling. R
A 3D Polygon is a collection of different vertices shapes and faces when, put together create a 3 dimensional graphical model.
A triangle is a Polygon with three vertices.
A quadrilateral is a Polygon with exactly four vertices.
A N-gon is any Polygon with 5 or more vertices. Examples of this are pentagon/hexagon/decagon/dodecagon. So a 5-gon, 6-gon, 10-gon and 12-gon respectively.
Components of a polygonal model:
Faces: Polygonal meshes are faceted, this means the surface of the 3D model are comprised of hundreds or thousands of geometric faces.
Edges: An edge is any point on the surface of a 3D model where two polygonal faces meet.
Vertices: The point of intersection between three or more edges is called a vertex. Manipulation of vertices on the x, y, and z-axes is the most common technique for shaping a polygonal mesh into it's final shape in traditional modeling packages like Maya, 3Ds Max, etc.
High poly has a higher polygonal count as shown, whereas the low poly is the complete opposite of that with a less polygonal count. While using a high poly model this is more defined and shows more detail in the model, but however these models can take a while to render, this is why high poly models are mostly used in films where the model has enough time to render, where as in games a low poly model would be more beneficial, because of real time rendering as you have a high enough frame rate. However you can use a high poly model but you would have to bake the textures.
LO: To be able to understand what vertex colouring is:
Vertex colour, or vcolour, are just colour with RGB and A channels stored for each vertex of a mesh. This is a old and classic 3D feature.. The main use of vertex colour was to allow colour variations on large 3D surfaces with a single or limited number of textures. On the Older Consoles e.g. Xbox, PS1, PS2, SEGA Genesis, SNES, etc. Your typical video card couldn't pile up to 8 or even 4 textures on the same triangle.
Example of games that use Vertex Colour information:
WII Sports
Pokémon Colosseum
Halo 2
GTA San Andreas
In Blender, with a dense mesh, you can have vertex colour fitting closely to small details but with large polygons and you may end up with only gradients which may betray the triangular nature of your 3D scene. So, when a vertex is painted, the colour of vertex is modified according to the rules of the 'brush'. The colour of all visible planes and edges attached to the vertex are then modified with a gradient to the colour of the other connected vertices. And vertex colours can be painted by first going into Edit Mode, then switching to Vertex Paint Mode; however, it will not show up in the render unless you check "Vertex Colour Paint" in the Materials Options Panel.
LO: To be able to understand what a 3D Coordinate system is.
A 3D coordinate system is used for the X, Y and Z of the engine/editor. Allowing for the creator to use the axises to move their object/character.
- Cylindrical
- Spherical
- Cartesian
The coordinate system is a system which employs one or more numbers, that is, one or more coordinates to uniquely specify the position of a point. Also different softwares uses different rules, these include the left-handed and right-handed rules, these can be changed. These determine the which way the X, Y and Z are on the plane of the editor.
In the cartesian coordinate system it's for a 2D coordinates and is defined by two numbers that measure the signed distance to two perpendicular axes, x and y. And so if the you need an additional axis, the z axis, 3D coordinates will be formed by the set of three numbers (x, y, z).(The left and right handed rules can be used to classify 3D coordinates. The thumb should be facing where the X-axis is increasing, this is the same with the index finger in the Y-axis, and middle finger in the Z-axis).
Cartesian coordinate system:
In a 3D Cartesian coordinate system, a point P is referred to by three real numbers (coordinates), indicating the positions of the perpendicular projections from the point to three fixed, perpendicular, graduated lines, called the axes which intersect at the origin.
Cylindrical Coordinates:
To define a cylindrical coordinate system, we take an axis (usually called the z-axis) and a perpendicular plane, on which we choose a ray (the initial ray) originating at the intersection of the plane and the axis (the origin). The coordinates of a point P are the polar coordinates (r, f) of the projection of P on the plane, and the coordinate z of the projection of P on the z-axis. The coordinate r is always positive and the range of f is from 0 to 2p (360 degrees).
Spherical Coordinates:
To define spherical coordinates, we take an axis (the polar axis) and a perpendicular plane (the equatorial plane), on which we choose a ray (the initial ray) originating at the intersection of the plane and the axis (the origin O). The coordinates of a point P are the distance r from P to the origin; the angle q (zenith) between the line OP and the positive polar axis; and the angle f (azimuth) between the initial ray and the projection of OP onto the equatorial plane. The range of f is from 0 to 2p (360o)., and the range of q is from 0 to p (180 degrees).
(First image(Object Space))
Object space, also known as local space or modelling space, an objects vertices are expressed relative to the object that they describe. That is, the way the artist intended for them to be displayed if you didn't move the object from the origin.
(Second image(World Space))
the world coordinate space is the global coordinate space for which all other objects spaces are described. As shown. The object's world transformation places it away from the world-origin by some translation and rotation.
(Third image(Inertial Space))
The inertial space is the "halfway"space between object space and world space. The origin of inertial space has the same origin as object space, and the axes of inertial space are parallel to that of the world space axes. To transform a point from object space to inertial space requires only a rotation and to transform a point from inertia; space to world pace requires only a translation, example below.
Camera space is the coordinate space that is associated with the observer. Camera space is considered to be the origin and orientation of what we are looking at. The camera's coordinate axis usually assume the positive X -axis points right, the positive Y-axis points up, and in a left handed coordinate system, the Z-axis is reversed, so the negative Z-axes are the "Right", "Up", and "At" axes. The camera space transformation together with the projection transformation is useful for answering such questions as:
1. Is an object completely in view of the camera, partially in view, or not in view at all,
2. Is one object closer to the camera than the other,
3. Is an object directly in front of, above, below, to the left, or to the right of the camera.
In 3D computer graphic, coordinate spaces are described using a homogeneous coordinate system. A homogeneous coordinate system allows to represent all of our affine transformations (translation, rotation, scale, and perspective projection) in a similar way so they can easily be combined into a single representation. Any number coordinate spaces can using matrix multiplications which results in a single matrix that can be applied to all the vertices of an object.
Multiply world spaces can also combine in order to derive a final coordinate space that describes the location of all of the vertices in an object. This is useful for nested coordinate spaces where the position of an object is expressed relative to a "parent" object. So, when the parent objects' world transformation is changed, the transformation of the child object is also changed applied. Using this method, complex scenes can be constructed from several similar scenes and placed into the larger scene to create a complete world.
LO: To be able to understand the creation and use of convex collision hulls.
A collision hull, also known as a hitbox or even a collision model, is a 3D invisible model that's around every object and character in a video game, the collision hull is used so the player can't fall through the world and walk through walls. This is also referred to as a geometric file.
collision hulls must be convex.
Some model can't use just a single hull, so multiple hulls are used as one doesn't cover the entire model.
Orthographic Drawings include a 3D image of the drawing a side, top and front view of the 3 dimensional object in a 2 dimensional view.
materials are an enhancement of the texture mapping.
A: a 3D model is an object or a 3D player in a 3D environment.
These models define the volume of the object they represent.
These models represent the surface, e.g. the boundary of an object.
Digital modeling:
This is use for buildings
digital modeling is usually based with
LO: To be able to understand what UV Mapping is.
UV mapping is the process, in 3D modelling, of projecting a 2D image on to a 3D models surface, for texture mapping.
It is 1962 North America, the gamer controls the main character Alex ‘Giggles’ Malone, Alex has been having a tough time, juggling his home life and his work. He works in a travelling fun fair as the resident clown. Performing tricks and jokes for the few people who still attend the fair.
The game begins on a ‘normal’ day for ‘Giggles’ waking up after a heavy night on the laughing gas, as he leaves his rugged trailer he finds himself on the outskirts of a post-apocalyptic fun fair. Although this is the way most visitors would describe the fun fair on a normal day, this is not a normal day. The fair has had a large meteor land flat bang in the centre of it, on top of the central circus tent.
All of ‘Giggles’ friends and colleagues are now mutated almost beyond recognition and hungry for more than candy floss and toffee apples (although most were already part of the freak show anyway) Giggles must fight his way across the landscape, past various rides and amusements to get to the central tent where his beloved clown car (Betsy) is, so he can make his escape.
We have an idea how we would like ‘Giggles’ to look but we do not have the ability to create him ourselves, so we are putting this task to you. We have some criteria that must be abided by:
· Look like a clown
· Be appropriate for the era of 1960’s
· Be appropriate for the location of North America
· Look tattered and rugged – rough, dirty, unshaven
· Clown Makeup – although worn, smudged
· Big shoes
We also will have various weapons that can be located throughout the playable area, although we currently are undecided on what these could be, we would appreciate it if you could sketch and design us some ideas:
· Must be items found on a circus/fair
· One ranged
· One two handed
· One, one handed
Some basic ideas of what the character will look like and have for some weapons in the game.
Some drawings of what the character and some of the weapons look like.
The character wears a rugged old jacket, t-shirt, jeans, and tie. The character also wears normal everyday shoes. The character can pick up and us multiple different weapons but can only hold certain weapons at a time. like with the candy apple hammers can only be used on their own, whereas the whip can be used with the clown shoes, (but can only be used separately in attacks, however you have more weapons than before in your arsenal).
The whip originally used to be a two handed weapon before I decided to changed it to be One whip and a one handed weapon. This was changed because of the concept of having two candy apples allowing the game to have a one handed weapon other than the (water) pistol.
From my concepts (as seen above) I have chosen a circus tent with multiple points to show a bigger circus is used. When I started my model I began with a cylinder which was then enlarged and flattened to make a circular shape, then I extended both sides of this shape from the front of the model, while also keeping each side symmetrical, afterwards I used the 'loop cut and slide' tool to make increase the amount of squares for an entrance. I then extruded and scaled the model upwards to make a dome thus creating the basic structure of the circus. I also used a cone to make the two points of the circus tent through extending some vertices of the cone and rotating slightly sideways, then I duplicated the cone to make two of them and have them intersect each other to try and show that they are connected. I have then connected the objects together to create one singular model, and deleted two faces in front of the model to create an entrance. However on the model I have decreased the amount of detail for what the circus actually looks like, as I didn't see the need of this on this model, nor does the model have an interior design. I have imported my circus tent into unity and scaled it to fit in with the environment.
In this model I have used two cylinders, one for the handle and the other for the main body of such model, while creating the handle for the model I just extruded the cylinder to a certain length and then extended and resized it to fit the main body later in the process, with the other cylinder I have enlarged it and started to scale the cylinder up into an apple shape. Then I put the handle together with the main body to finish the model, by scaling other parts to a suitable size to fit each other.
Also in the model I have used two cylinders as seen by the shape of the model, The first cylinder was also to make the handle for the model extruded to make the perfect length for this design and then at the end scaled to fit the model and the end. The second cylinder is for the main body of the model which first I scaled to make the body larger, than I scaled out the to side in the center to make it symmetrical and to give the model a bit of metal to make the item stand out more. the metal is used as the old traditional hammers used to have these to make them slightly heavier to carry and use, making the strong man game harder to play.